Celebrity Fitness

August 5th, 2011 atSpace 1026
Celebrity Fitness Workout Hour

Follow my inspiration blog on->tumblr<-. I hope to create an authentic spectacle using the idioms of a fake world via celebrity. Note to Self:create google doc for prior sentence, document the amount of times it has been re-phrased to describe my perfomance art.

This exhibit pairs my work with 3 other artists;Aidan Koch,Caroline Hwang, andLizz Hickey. What pairs us together aside from heinlys, hickeys, hwangs and kochs is the extension of zine making within our artwork. Each artist has been asked to contribute some form of installation to the gallery space. Aside from my celebrity gym, zines I will be premiering are my 3rd edition in the series, Septa Posters and a new zine exploring text in zine format, Advice for Morgan. I will also be giving away for FREE some zines inspired by my performance.


bust magazine
ms. magazine